Well, my dear, dear friends (as The Horseman is fond of jokingly
calling you), after months, and more lessons than I'm able to count on all of
my own fingers and toes (even if I was Ann Boelyn with her unusual number of
digits, and I'm not), the dog's fingers and toes and Sasquatch's fingers and
toes, the dust is clearing and I am finally ready, willing and able-ish to
start my formal "Lessons in Ranch Living for City Girls". As an
aside, Sasquatch apparently divides his time between my backyard here and my
old backyard in Oklahoma... There's a "Sasquatch Hunt" here, run by a
local bar up the road (Hey Bill!), that basically consists of hordes of drunken
people screaming in the woods, looking for some guy in a gorilla suit.
But I digress. Some of you have been reading my FB postings on the
subject of my deer in the headlight experiences with a mixture of amusement and
pity, so let's continue the trend, shall we? I'll expect pity when
required/requested and laughter when appropriate, but usually a combination of
the two will work...

I have found that I am a work in progress through this whole life
changing move across the freaking country to be with a man I really didn't know
and who could have been an ax-murdering, bury-women-in-the-back-country or
feed-em-to-the-grizz kind of guy. Thankfully, those tendencies haven't
emerged yet, at least not the ax-murder and back country parts, but the night
is young. I have heard talk about feeding hippies to bears, though.
I think most hippies who inadvertently find themselves in these
parts come from Missoula or Bozeman, where there are lattes and bookstores and
a little nightlife, and the Hi-Line is far from there... Not sure
they know about the camouflage-wearing, bow hunting, Ted Nugent (male or
female) types that emerge from the woods at the scenes of accidents or
they might rethink their route. You take your life into your own
hands up here if you have a PETA or Save the Wolves bumper sticker, or even a
"7" plate (Flathead County), so they don't venture this far north
very often! Once you make it to East Glacier, 17 miles east of us, you
can breathe easy for a bit before traveling on down the road since EG is a very
eclectic, welcoming little community and you’ll be OK. Mostly, I'm just
thankful I'm not a hippie. Again with the digression thing...

Anyway, it was a leap of faith for love, or something like
it. Not usually my style since I'm generally a cautious kind of
person. Since said move, I have found that I know a whole lot less than I
thought I did about a whole lot of things. Some days, I know absolutely
everything about everything (imagine that I'm 13 years old - THAT kind of know
everything) and am every bit as smart as I have The Horseman fooled into
thinking I am. And then some days, I know that the look on my face is
sheer horror at what I've chosen to do with my life now that I've grown
up. But sometimes, the look has got to be blissful, goofy, disgusting
happiness at that same choice. Some days, I feel like a canvas of
blues and greens, somewhat introspective and serene, awash in light and
love...like a Monet from afar. Other times, Jackson Pollack threw up all
over me, and I'm crazed, potentially violent (kidding a little on that one -
but not much) and just a big ol' mess. Or I'm a walking, talking Edvard Munch
Some days, I feel like getting out and conquering the vast, yet
somehow well insulated and smallish, world around me, meeting all the neighbors
and FOB (Friends of Bill) and ingratiating myself into their well established,
orderly lives. Other days, I want to simply hide away with our big dog, Bayley, who really is the sweetest canine on the face of the planet, and
watch bad Lifetime Television for Women movies. Thankfully, THOSE days
are few and far between, which is mostly because I have a healthy outward
disdain for LMN, even though, secretly, I've been known to pass an
afternoon in the company of Lisa Hartman-Black or Melissa Gilbert and their
respective love lives. But one day, I'll choose a slothful day of bad movies
and it'll be just fine, even though I have more things that need doing than I
can possibly accomplish in the course of a day.

My sister has said that my life is like a TV movie without the
murder, which I find terribly funny. She's like that - terribly funny
when you least expect it. She got that from my angel of a mother, who is
also terribly funny when least expected in addition to being the most kind
woman on earth. I like that there's no murder, yet, since I'm happy with
The Horseman and, as I've said, I don't think either of us has active homicidal
tendencies. I tend to think that if we can make it through this first
oppressive winter, which everyone up here calls "open" and "not
bad" (bwahahahaha!!!!), we'll be just fine. We've certainly had our
moments, which have tended to come from without and not from within, and I'm
sure there will be more, but I think the love that we feel is solid and is
deepening with time. Or he just accepts that I'm weird, loves me anyway,
shakes his head and moves on... Take your pick. I know I can be a
trial and somewhat needy and insecure, but usually not. And he can be a trial
and somewhat distant and preoccupied, but usually not.
For me, I
think the neediness comes from the lack of girlfriends up here. I've always had a close group of women friends with whom to laugh and cry and just be silly and I find
that I miss that terribly and quite often. The deep and abiding friendships
that have shared history and experience in common - these women "get"
me. And they love me anyway, and I love them. Not that I haven't
met anyone up here who might fill that void, and a couple of names come
immediately to mind, but we're just so far from anyone that it's a little
difficult. It's not lunch at Yokozuna or B4C, or dinner at The Brook, or
lunch and pseudo-shopping just so we can be together. Or toes and fingers
on the spur of the moment. It's an all day excursion, involving miles and
miles, and prior planning... Not that I'm whining or that I don't have
the prior planning gene, but seriously, I'd have to drive almost to Canada for
one and clear to Idaho for another. One is relatively close for the
moment, but is headed to Cali to get on with her life in a few weeks. And
that one feels more like a daughter to me... Most are long time FOB (he has an amazing number of close, wonderful friendships) and
so I can be friends by association, with ready made broken ice, but those friendships that I cultivate all
by myself are difficult to be found. So far.

So this is my blog. I promise a good Lesson in Ranch Living for
City Girls for the next go-round, which is rodeo-speak. I've become a rodeo
girl and love the Indian Relay Races and Team Roping (The Horseman's specialty) the most - but I digress
again. I'm hoping it'll be a bit of therapy for me and a bit of
amusement for you. Or maybe a bit of therapy for you, too, since you'll be able to say "at least I'm not THAT crazy!". It'll be a one-sided, self-serving conversation from the
most vast and beautiful place on earth, where I am surrounded by the solid
proof that there is a God in every direction I look. And it'll be my
place to just vent my feelings from a corner of the world and an unfamiliar life where I sometimes feel very small
and insignificant. Most of you know me well - some better than
others. A lot of you know what it was like for me when I arrived here at
Bear Creek Ranch in lovely breathtaking Northwestern Montana, and for a time
thereafter. So most of you know that I don't give up easily even in the
face of some pretty challenging stuff and to my own detriment sometimes. (I
wonder if I have the emotional self preservation gene...) Hopefully, with
the bad writing that you'll have to wade through to get to the gist of it all,
you'll understand even more why I love where I've landed, who I've land with,
and why it's been a soft place to fall. And worth the screaming, flailing,
terrifying descent!